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Students recognized at GLACURH Regional Leadership Conference

December 6, 2017

During the 2017 Regional Leadership Conference of the Great Lakes Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls (GLACURH) at La Cross, Wisconsin, NIU student leaders and staff were recognized with 16 awards for their hard work throughout the year. NIU attendees also presented seven programs to student leaders from across the region and Canada.

The GLACURH is a student-run organization working to promote and improve student life on college and university campuses across the region, including Michigan, Ontario, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana. This group is primarily focused on providing quality programming and activities for on-campus residents that will make their college experience a positive one.

Northern Illinois University was recognized with the following awards:

The GLACURH Spirit Award, which is awarded to the institution based on participation and representation of their institution and the region.

The Regional Spotlight of the Month which recognized the achievements of the 12 students that attended the NACURH national conference and presented 14 programs to students from across the world and won Most Spirited Delegation in the country.

The Regional Advisor of the Month was awarded to Mark Canaday for his outstanding contributions to the organization.