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PROMISE Scholars: take a STEM professor to lunch

September 26, 2014

Photo of a burger and friesTalk about food for thought.

NIU’s National Science Foundation PROMISE Scholars program is offering a new initiative, “Take a STEM Professor to Lunch,” this fall.

Designed to encourage students and faculty to hold conversations outside of class on topics of academic interests, STEM research and professional experiences, the program builds student-professor relationships.

Students can schedule lunch with a professor in a group of no more than three students or individually.

Meals can take place at the Blackhawk Food Court, Ellington’s or a select off-campus restaurant, courtesy of the PROMISE Scholars Program. Students can take advantage of this opportunity only once a semester.

Here’s how it works:

  • Invite one or two of your classmates and your science, technology, engineering or math faculty professor or instructor to lunch. Pick a date and a time and invite your professor/instructor first to ensure they are able to join you on the date you choose.
  • Submit your request using the online form at least one week before your desired lunch date. Requests are not guaranteed.
  • If approved, you will receive an email confirmation of your lunch. You will need to visit the PROMISE Scholars Program Office to pick up lunch tickets for the Blackhawk and Ellington’s Restaurant. (All students must make reservations for lunch at Ellington’s. Bring a copy of your email notification to confirm your reservation. When finished, obtain an itemized receipt at the restaurant.)
  • Complete the evaluation form and turn in your itemized receipt to 125A Williston Hall within one business day of the lunch.

For more information, call (815) 753-9222 or email or