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Tag: student government
NIU President Doug Baker
NIU President Doug Baker will speak Saturday to members of the Illinois Board of Higher Education Student Advisory Committee, which is meeting at NIU. Baker will welcome the group of about 50 students from across Illinois with news of his accomplishments in his first six months on campus. The group also will hear from Illinois...
Elect Her - NIU Women Win logo
The NIU Women’s Resource Center will present “Elect Her – Campus Women Win,” a collaboration between AAUW and Running Start that encourages and trains young women to run for student government on their campuses. Any students who attend the selected campuses can participate in the training. NIU’s training session will take place from 3 to...
Logos of Elect Her, Running Start and Women's Campaign Forum
Northern Illinois University has been selected as one of 11 colleges from across the nation and Jamaica that will host Elect Her – Campus Women Win in 2011, a unique campus-based program that teaches women how to run for campus-based elective office. The program, a collaboration between the American Association of University Women (AAUW) and...